For this issue of HH People, I sat down with Tobechukwu Obiekwugo to chat about his most exciting moments from the holiday season, unexpected adventures, love, and everything in between. With his signature blend of wit and candour, he had a lot to share!
Detty December Highlights: What were your favourite concerts, events, and moments?
Tobechukwu: As someone constantly in search of vibes and voltage-level excitement, I had my fair share of unforgettable experiences! Soundland and Dirty Sexy Rave by Vogue Boys were the absolute highlights of my festive season. Honestly, I couldn’t have asked for more (but, of course, I did). Shortly after, I found myself at an indoor rave called The Backroom by Backquarters. It was an electric mix of UK R&B, Garage, Drum ‘n’ Bass, and House music that kept the night alive. And yes, they did sprinkle in some Afro-swing tracks like 4×4 by Young T and Bugsey – pure bliss!
Unplanned Adventures: What’s the wildest thing you’ve ever done in December?
Tobechukwu: My life is a rollercoaster, so picking just one wild moment is tough. From car crashes to last-minute plan changes, there’s never a dull day. Every day is a jonzing day when Jeremiah is involved – adventure just seems to find me!
Random Acts of Kindness: Any ideas for spreading love beyond Valentine’s Day?
Tobechukwu: A perfect Valentine’s gift? How about granting everyone at Heirs Technologies a half-day off (inserts a “loud smile”)? Both singles and couples deserve the chance to unwind. Corporate 9–5 takes up so much of our time, and over the years, we’ve seen how it can strain and even break relationships. A little breathing room would go a long way!
Have you ever found love or met someone interesting during the holiday season?
Tobechukwu: Love? That’s a strong word. The last time I genuinely felt something deep for someone was back in high school, somewhere between Year 8 and Year 10. Since 2014, I’ve taken the safer than sorry approach when it comes to love. Short-term connections are easier to manage – I prefer setting realistic expectations over getting lost in long-term commitments.
Did you manage a budget-friendly holiday? Tell us about it.
Tobechukwu: Absolutely! The trick is simple – go out with friends in a similar tax bracket and with aligned financial values. That way, nobody’s stretching beyond their means. Another golden rule: avoid going out with scrubs (a.k.a Lagos babes). The IJGB (I Just Got Back) in me expired in 2022 – no more reckless spending! Lol!
What’s your most memorable Valentine’s Day memory?
Tobechukwu: Valentine’s Day has always been a day of reflection for me. It changed me, forcing me to come to terms with life’s harsh realities. These days, my role models in love are a lot more pragmatic – think Brent Faiyaz.
Any creative date night ideas for couples and singles?
Tobechukwu: None, honestly. I’m laser-focused on my body goals and financial targets for 2025. No distractions!
What are your relationship goals for 2025?
Tobechukwu: Same as the last answer – no one’s daughter will derail me! If anything, I’ll be the one doing the derailing. Haha!
How We Met: What’s your most unusual love story?
Tobechukwu: She reached out to me from the mess hall in sixth-form college. She was older, and we linked up a few times. I won’t lie, I felt on cloud nine – but every plane must land, either conventionally or in a crash. Unfortunately, this one crashed!
Valentine’s Day Fails and Wins: Any highs and lows?
Tobechukwu: Like I said, the plane crashed spectacularly! Some ladies just want you for the night – not for the entire November. LMAO.
Ever used a dating app? What was your experience like?
Tobechukwu: Tried Tinder once. Let’s just say it was filled with sex workers – not quite what I was looking for!
With a mix of humour, hard truths, and a free-spirited outlook on life, Tobechukwu gave us plenty to think about. Whether it’s navigating the dating scene, managing finances, or chasing excitement, one thing’s for sure – there’s never a dull moment in his world! PSA: Ladies, beware – Tobechukwu is out and about, and no one is safe from his derailing ways! LOL