The year 2023 has been characterised by lots of dramatic events that have heated the polity already, but it’s just three months gone by.
The preservation of self and my immediate environment becomes very crucial for my mental health and overall well-being. I usually find time to stay away from the day-to-day underlying forces of Lagos, immersing myself in deep reflection. Staying in a serene environment is very helpful, I intend to avoid anything and anyone that pose as a trigger to me, I hang out and dine with friends and a little jazz music helps me a lot.
Routine can sometimes become boring, but I get to go dancing or dance alone at home sometimes but deliberately ensure that I surround myself with people of positive vibes and energy where communication is geared towards helping the other person thrive in whatever it is they do.
As stated earlier, I do a lot of deep thinking and gradually do away with unsafe habits. I try deliberately to have an open mind which helps me unlearn and relearn things differently.
I am a passionate person, and I promote healthy living and lifestyle. It will be nice to have a project to promote, because generally I like looking nice myself and want others to be the same.
It’s a sense of purpose for me to care for my environment which aids my overall wellness.
Meanwhile, wellness to me is to radiate and glow from the inside out. Any wellness therapy that doesn’t address the inner self is a fluke. What we exhibit on the outside should be a reflection of what we are on the inside, that way, happiness can become tangible and contagious.
Hmmmm, stress is part of everyday life. In dealing with it, I actually and firstly take in the reality. The peculiarity of every environment provides you with the solutions to dealing with stress. So, I usually recommend inner peace and self-love. That way I find the strength to face my everyday task and unwind on a daily by dropping the baggage at the doorstep, ensuring I connect with where I lay my head!! “My comfort Zone”.
Emotional and mental breakdown. A woman of my age bracket would have gone through the patches of life. The bottom line is how one reacts to issues of life, which comes back to what I said earlier being at peace with oneself knowing that you passionately gave it your best shot. Whether it’s a relationship, work-related or family, learn to give the best and when one falls short, be bold and take responsibility.
My golden advice is derived from the Holy book, do to others what you would have them do to you!!! Simple.
And remember to take care of your body; it is the only place you have to live.