My life and work can be summarised in two words: Association and Role Models. Worker’s day celebration is about appreciating the gift of people in our lives, organisation, and country. Developments and achievements oftentimes are birthed on the knees of diligent, hardworking, and resilient workers.
The people you associate with determine who you are. This was the leverage I had in the early days of my work life. My journey into the Oil and Gas industry was borne out of association. I once heard that “You are the same today that you are going to be five years from now except for two things: the people with whom you associate and the books you read.” As an undergraduate in the Department of Chemical Engineering over 20 years ago, I couldn’t imagine I would work in a prestigious Oil and Gas company as I have never crossed the border of South-West to the South-South of Nigeria. Through association, I found myself in the South-South with an opportunity to work in the Oil & Gas space. Your choice of peers is a key determinant to success or failure in your life. True friends prod your personal growth, stretch you to your full potential and most amazing of all, celebrate your success as their own. This has been a plus factor in my work journey.
Mentorship is a form of association and this brings me to the second plus factor in my life and work: Role Models. There is a Nigerian proverb that says, “There is gain in being friendly with the King”. I landed a major opportunity in the Oil and Gas sector through association and have been able to come this far through mentorship. People need role models at every stage of their lives… not just when they are kids. Newton said, “I have seen a little farther than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.” To be a winner, you must associate with winners.
Learning from role models and mentors does not come easy all the time, there are things you will learn with pain, but it’s all part of the moulding. I have been graciously blessed with good leaders all along my career journey. They have given me the opportunity to learn the ropes by studying them and by DIY (Do it Yourself). By taking little pieces of them, I have become a better version of myself. Understand that there is no such thing as a self-made man. You will reach your goals only with the help of others.
I was excited with the opportunity to work in the reputable Heirs Holdings Group, having learnt from afar from our indefatigable chairman, Mr Tony Elumelu and I see coming this close as another opportunity to climb yet a higher mountain as we learn from him at a closer range. Let me end with the Chinese proverb, “A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study”. If you want to learn how to climb the mountain, listen to someone who has done it.
I use this opportunity to appreciate all those that had worked assiduously to make work worthwhile in Africa. Happy Workers day!!!